The latest population estimate for Bornean orangutans derived at the International Population Habitat Viability Analysis (PHVA) Workshop in 2004, was approximately 55,000 individuals. At the same time it was noted that populations are decreasing at a rapid rate owing to :
(1) forest conversion, particularly for oil-palm plantations and other forms of agriculture;
(2) other forms of forest loss, particularly forest fires in drained peatland areas;
(3) forest degradation by illegal logging and
(4) hunting of orangutans for food and capture for the pet-trade.
Approximately one third of orangutans are found in conservation forests and the remainder are under severe threat. They are classified as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and protected under Indonesian Law against any kind of persecution of them or their habitat. Nevertheless forest is still being cleared, logged or burnt and this has led to the death of many thousands of orangutans over the past decade and the displacement of many more. Some of these displaced orangutans have been rescued by Reintroduction Centres that aim to return them back to the wild once safe and secure forests are identified (
So postcrosser, these postcards of Urangutan are available for swaps. So tell me which one do you want :)
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